On the 27th of May World Packaging Organization (WPO) organized another international webinar PPWR UPDATE part 2 discussing all of the updates to the final Parliamentary decision on the Plastics & Plastics Waste Regulation (PPWR), to better understand the final decisions and priority areas for the PPWR, the next steps for business, the roadmap moving forward for all EU Member States, and the global implications for packaging design standards.

The discussion was moderated by the WPO Vice President of Sustainability & Save Food, Nerida Kelton, experts from Circular Analytics – Lina Wimmer, Manfred Tacker and Charlotte Werner, and Alexander Reitz from PreZero talked about key measures and latest changes of PPWR, Sustainable Packaging Design, Guidance on ensuring fitness for PPWR, Challenges for Data Management and Material Security etc. The recording of the webinar is available here.